Ashley Boyd: Part II

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Back for her second interview, Pink Owl Kitchen founder and foodie Ashley Boyd shares her journey to sobriety. Tired of feeling exhausted and seeing her relationships suffer, she decided to ditch alcohol for good. If you’re curious about going alcohol-free, Ashley’s story will inspire and encourage you. Read on to hear about what made her quit and the clarity she found on the other side.


How often did you drink before and how did it make you feel?

I drank at least 3-4 days per week, sometimes more. I was always on edge and extremely irritable. I was constantly in a bad mood and would easily snap at people. I also had terrible insomnia. I was very mean to my husband and loved ones. I was just a negative person.

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Do you still drink on occasion? 

I do not drink at all. My husband, friends and family still drink on occasion and it doesn’t bother me. I’ve found my peace in sobriety and I’m so thankful I have!

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Why did you decide to cut-back? Did you go cold-turkey, or was it gradual? 

I was tired of being a prisoner in my own head. Always obsessing over my next drink or how I could hide how much wine I actually consumed. I was tired of the fights, the drama, the anxiety, the sorrow and the regret. After an awful drunken night out, my husband told me he did not want me to drink anymore. I have not had a drink since. I’ve found support through online communities, reading and reading lots of “quit-lit”.

How soon did you start feeling different? What were some of the biggest changes you noticed? 

I began to feel better within a week. However, real change started to come after the 30-day mark. I began to sleep throughout the night, had less anxiety and a more general sense of calm, and just felt generally better. It only kept getting better and better. At almost one year sober, I feel better than I ever have in my entire life. I’m the healthiest and fittest I’ve ever been, I’m working on healing the trauma of my past, my marriage is the best it’s ever been, and I’m pursuing my dreams. The clarity I’ve gained is indescribable. Sobriety has been a true miracle in my life


The clarity I’ve gained is indescribable. Sobriety has been a true miracle in my life.


Any tips to resist pouring a glass (especially when you’re out with others who are drinking)? 

I always think about what alcohol took from me whenever I get the slightest urge to drink or begin romanticizing alcohol. That stops me in my tracks. I’ve gained a million times more in sobriety than I ever did from alcohol. I don’t ever want to be the person that I was when I drank. Find a community, submerse yourself in your passions, go to therapy, meditate, exercise....whatever centers you and keeps you grounded, do that!

What are you mornings like now that you wake up more clear-headed?

Mornings are the exact opposite of what they used to be. Now, I wake up feeling rested and calm, not stressing about what I said/did the night before and with a terrible hangover. My mornings used to consist of dehydration, guilt and shame. Most of the time I would begin drinking shortly after waking up just to ease the hangover. Now my mornings consist of coffee, meditation, prayer and exercise.


What advice would you give someone who wants to eliminate or drink less alcohol, but doesn't think they have the willpower to stick with it? 

I felt completely powerless to alcohol. I had secretly accepted that I would drink myself into an early grave. Just know, it isn’t just you - that alcohol is designed to alter your brain and to make you feel like you can never give it up. It’s all lies! I don’t have the magic pill or trick that will immediately fix your relationship with alcohol, but I do know that if you want a better, more fulfilling life badly enough, you can cut back or give up alcohol! It is possible! Start with 30 days, see how much better you feel and go from there. It truly is one day at a time. You’ve got this!

Kristen Tillman