Dyandra Raye

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Creative multi-hyphenate Dyandra wears quite a few gorgeous hats.  A sustainability-guru and the founder of vegan shoe line Jo-Anne Vernay, Dyandra is passionate about living a stylish and healthy life. Her calendars are packed, but she’s learned how to set firm boundaries around her self-care.  Read on to hear how she eats vegan, alternates yoga with running, and holistically cares for her body, spirit and soul.


As a sustainable style consultant, creative director, and founder of Joanne Vernay vegan shoes, you’re VERY busy! When do you find time to take care of yourself while working on so many projects?

I used to take on more than I could handle and had no self-care routine. Later, I learned how to balance both by setting boundaries--not allowing projects to overwhelm me. I don't take calls before 10AM or after 7PM unless it’s an emergency. Lunch is important--I eat 5 meals a day and literally stop for lunch to break up my day because food is fuel. I give myself Sundays or at least one week day to relax and just roll around, watch a show, hang out, and recharge. 

I also determined how many tasks I will do for the day and I won’t do more than that. I don't do any tasks on that one day a week that I take for myself.

I keep two calendars digitally, that are packed with work and then life tasks. I have a calendar for my house with my partner and another for work, which are kept separate (or at least I try to). 

Lastly, I write everything down even if it's as small as a resource someone told me, that way I’m on top of as much as possible. 

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You’ve been vegan for 2+ years.  What are some of your go-to, quick dinners during the week?  What do you order when you’re at a non-vegan restaurant?

I love potatoes, a bit too much, and use them in a lot of our meals. I've become obsessed with roasting mushrooms in our air fryer then adding a side of mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. This takes 30 minutes at most and the air fryer has really changed how things move; you can make an entire meal at the same time. I also enjoy homemade fries with jackfruit sandwiches which are fast and have a meaty texture. That meal is 20 minutes and great for lunch as well, since you can put the whole thing in the air fryer. 

When I’m at a non-vegan restaurant I've gotten really good at looking at the ingredients and creating my own meal. For breakfast I’ll replace the meat with mushrooms or potatoes (like in a breakfast burrito) and add avocado. I’ll also break apart pasta and ask it to be made with oil and tomatoes then add things like basil and mushrooms. If you look at the sides you can definitely add those to any meal or use them for substitutes. If I can’t break a meal apart, my go-to is a veggie burger and salad which is a classic American meal.

Talk to us about exercise. What kind of workout do you like to do?

I love to run.  I started in 2011 after I found myself reevaluating my life-path, career, and location. Back then I couldn't even run a quarter of a mile and now I can run up to 6 miles. I find it relaxing to just move and think in nature--running outside is my favorite. If it's cold I do a lot of yoga to keep my muscles moving. I'm normally more relaxed in the winter and hyped up in the summers, which is reflected through my exercise choices. 


What helps keep you mentally grounded?

I meditate daily--I end up needing to at some point in the day. I try to meditate as soon as I get up to just ground myself for the day. I've become a much more spiritual person and I also pray a lot. In my past I worried a lot and dealt with a lot of anxiety. I find myself more at peace if I’m meditating, praying and just living in the moment every day. 


“Back then I couldn't even run a quarter of a mile and now I can run up to 6 miles. I find it relaxing to just move and think in nature.”


We love how you uplift and support your friends, family, and fellow creatives.  What advice do you have for other female entrepreneurs about prioritizing their mental and physical health while also building a business?  

We’re strong women, but don't try to bear it all being everything for everyone else. Take time for you and be everything for yourself first. Then everything else falls in place. Balance your time so that you're not sacrificing one thing for the other, even if that means taking a leap of faith. I recently took a leap of faith career-wise to create the time I needed to live a more balanced life. That power is in us all!

Kristen Tillman