Morgan Coleman: Ready Set Sweat Fitness

Morgan is a certified Personal Trainer and founder of Ready Set Sweat Fitness. She creates workouts for busy women and moms who want to tone their bodies, build back their strength, and become more confident. In addition to being a trainer, she is a wife and mother to three girls. In June 2022, our Le Health Club members committed to do @readysetsweatfitness HIIT strength program which consisted of 25 minute strength classes 3x a week for 4 weeks. In this IG Live Recap, Morgan discusses the benefits of strength training and the philosophy behind her program.

Morgan’s discovery of strength training:

Morgan explained that before she got married, she was doing a lot of running and barre classes. These forms of exercise took a lot of time, but she had that time since she didn't have kids and a real job. However, results wise, it “wasn’t that great or efficient.” After the birth of her second child, she realized that she was able to lose the pregnancy weight quickly, solely by lifting weights. That being said, she wasn’t just doing bicep curls with 2 lb weights; rather, she was lifting 8, 10, 12 lb dumbbells. 

Why lift weights? 

Morgan feels that when you have a fitness goal but have limited time, lifting weights is the best way to get to your goals the fastest. “If you only have 20 minutes, pick up some weights, rather than going for a run,” she told us confidently. Morgan stated that if you’re consistently strength training, you will start to see and feel change. You will feel stronger within a month and around 6-7 weeks, you’ll see the results in your body. The secret is consistency. She encourages anyone willing to try to stick with it for a month and then you will be hooked on lifting. 

Ready Set Sweat.

With her program ‘Ready Set Sweat Fitness’, Morgan is trying to educate women about strength training and help them feel strong and powerful. In the program, not only do you lift weights, but you do so in a dynamic way. Your heart rate will be up and you’ll be burning a ton of calories. Morgan explained that every time you do a move, you are simultaneously moving multiple parts of your body in an intentional and focused way. 

**Pro tip: Morgan recommends having a lighter set of weights between 1-5 lbs and a heavier set between 6-12 lbs. 

Final thoughts:

“Give yourself the time. It’s supposed to be hard,” Morgan told us. She explained that it may take a few workouts to get the hang of things. Overall, if you can be committed to around 3 strength-training workouts a week, it really will change your body.

Rachel Johnson