Three Surprising Superfruits with Maximum Health Benefits

By Renee Korczak Ph.D., RDN, CSSD, LD


Spring is here and the warmer temperatures might stimulate you to lighten up your meals and introduce a new rotation of fruits and veggies to your diet.  As a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), I believe in alternating the types of fruits and veggies that you consume in your diet to obtain the various nutrients and phytonutrients (i.e., compounds found in plants that are beneficial for human health and help with disease prevention) that your body requires daily.

I was recently asked by our community what three super fruits to include in your diet, here is what I told them and why:


Papaya tops my list as a superfood and super fruit!  Papaya contains a number of nutrients that your body requires daily including Vitamins C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K,  B Vitamins including Thiamin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Folate, and nutrients that most Americans do not get enough of like Fiber and Potassium. Papaya also contributes a small amount of Calcium and Magnesium, which are essential for bone and muscle health. 

In terms of other health benefits, papaya also contains a key antioxidant called lycopene.  In the scientific literature, those who get enough lycopene from their diet have a lower risk of cancer and decreased levels of oxidative stress in the body.  This speaks to the powerful antioxidant nature of lycopene.  The antioxidant effect of lycopene from papaya fruit is so important to help neutralize the free radicals that naturally exist in our body due to metabolism, environmental exposures, toxins,etc.  With time, accumulation of free radicals in your body generates stress (better known as oxidative stress); this increases your risk for chronic disease.  Consider adding one small papaya to your diet daily (if possible) or even just a few times per week to help support a healthy lifestyle and keep chronic disease risk at bay.

Dietitian tip: Papayas are best when ripe (Hint: look for orange skin with flesh that is yellow, orange or red).  Papaya is great in smoothies, as a component in fresh salsa, with Greek yogurt and granola or pumpkin seeds, in salads or just eaten alone.


Kiwis are small fruits that come in green- and yellow-fleshed varieties.  Just like papayas, kiwis are rich in key nutrients such as Vitamin C and Fiber and provide a blend of other vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin K, Potassium, Magnesium and Copper. 

Beyond these staple nutrients, kiwis contain carotenoids, including lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene.  Collectively, these carotenoids are protective against several heart conditions such as heart disease.  Another surprising benefit of kiwis is for digestive health.  Since kiwis contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, they help with bowel regularity and help support the good bacteria that naturally reside in your gut. 

Dietitian Tip: If you suffer from occasional constipation or bowel irregularities, consider eating up to two kiwis per day to help you get moving.  Kiwis naturally contain an enzyme called actinidin that can help play a role in supporting digestive health and more specifically regular bowel movements.

Tart cherries

Tart cherries are different from the traditional cherry that you are used to eating during the summer months.  Tart cherries can be enjoyed year-round, but they are typically dried, frozen or found in a juice format.  Research has shown that these tart cherries have a number of health benefits due to the phytonutrients that they contain called anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins act as powerful antioxidants in your body and can help to ward off inflammation, pain and help stimulate muscle recovery post-exercise. Tart cherries also naturally contain melatonin, which you have heard of.  Melatonin aids in the sleep-wake cycle and may help you fall asleep faster. 

Dietitian tip:  Tart cherries are great in a juice format. Brands like Cheribundi sell tart cherry juice and I use this as a mixer in my smoothie or just add it to plain old water to enhance the flavor. Frozen tart cherries are also great to use as a mixer in Greek yogurt bowls or in smoothies as well.

In closing, super fruits like papaya, kiwi and tart cherries can be an easy addition to your diet and offer numerous health benefits.  Let us know if you try any of these superfruits by tagging us on instagram!

Rachel Johnson